What do we do?

The House is an open welcoming place where young people can grow and prosper and always feel at home. We believe in each young person and their potential and do everything we can to enable their development.

We carry out the above through the following programmes, projects and initiatives;

  1. After School Service (30 children aged 6-12 years) Homework support & Food provision
  2. Youth Diversion Project (40 young people aged 11-17 years) Diversion from crime & anti-social behaviour
  3. Gaining Ground Probation Project (16 young people aged 16-18 years) Training & activities to young people before the courts
  4. The Second Chance Project (15 young people aged 13-16 years) Alternative education project in partnership with O’Fiaich College (LMETB School) Dundalk for early school leavers & potential early school leavers
  5. Teen Parent Support Programme for north Louth (20 teen parents in the course of one year)
  6. Summer Youth Project (300 young people aged 6-16 years)
  7. North Dundalk Family Support Hub (support for families in crisis following a community development model i.e. building the capacity of the community) also

The core values underpinning our work with young people include:

  • Respect
  • Genuineness
  • Empowerment
  • Flexibility
  • Encouraging Participation
  • Innovation
  • Being Non-Judgemental
  • Enhancing Self-Esteem
  • Constructive Challenge

The following describe some of our methodologies and ways of working

  • Informal youth work model of working with young people
  • High ratio of adults to young people
  • Involvement of the young people in planning, evaluating and decision making
  • Reward and Incentive Programme
  • Small group work