The High Voltage Project is a Youth Diversion Project funded by the Dept. of Justice and the European Social Fund and is one of 120 projects funded nationally.
To assist young people aged 12-17 years old to stay free of crime through the provision of alternative activities. To work towards diversion from crime and anti-social behaviour and involvement with the juvenile justice system.
Success is achieved by developing our strengths not by limiting our weakenesses.
This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.
Explore behaviour that is leading to risk.
Assist young people to develop their sense of community & family.
Provide young people with opportunities to move towards a positive path.
Finding new interests and the things they do best.
Removing obstacles and looking for positive opportunities.
We work in a multiagency basis and link in with other organisations to address needs such as education, mental health, emotional wellbeing, substance misuse.