Gaining Ground

Gaining Ground Probation Project works with young people aged between the ages of Fifteen and Eighteen in County Louth. All the referrals are made from the courts and referrals come directly from the probation service.

When Gaining Ground get a new referral project workers build an individual plan around the needs of that young person.


This project is funded by The Probation Service

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Overall Objective:

The overall objective of the project is to get them into training, education/employment and link them in with appropriate services like addiction, mental health and education/employment service.

Gaining Ground will support the young people in their progression route tailored for them that was identified in their individual plan.
Gaining Ground will continue to work with the young person and do restorative work around offending behavior and divert them away from crime.


  • Forklift Driving
  • Safe Pass
  • Driver Theory Test
  • Job Seeking Skills
  • Woodwork/Carpentry
  • Pre-Apprentiship Training
  • Mechanics

Mentoring and support to access mainstream training programmes & to sustain participation in them.